Using Chenille It Tape

The Chenille-It Tape comes in lots of colors, and applying it to your project couldn’t be easier.  You simply top stitch down the center of the tape, outlining or highlighting whatever you’d like.  Wash and dry to make the chenille ‘bloom’…so FUN!


I took 2 finished and bound quilts and jazzed them up a little more with the Chenille-It tape.

Shannon /Cuddle Fabric Quilt


This was a simple quilt made with ‘minky’ type cuddly fabric called Shannon Cuddle.  It was a beautiful quilt already, but it was ready for an update.

I collected different pastel Chenille-It tape that matched the colors in the quilt.  I then decided how I would outline each plus-sign in the quilt…using tape that contrasted with the color of the plus-sign.

As you can see from this picture, I safety-pined a little colored tape in the center of each plus sign to keep track of which color goes where.  (Once those color decisions are made, you don’t want to have to try to remember what you decided, lol!)


I used a walking foot to follow the straight lines.  I used a 2.8 stitch length.  Very simple top-stitching down the center of the tape, pivoting at the corners.

Tip: if you have a knob on top of your machine, use it to hold the roll of Chenille-It tape, like so:



Dream Big Flower with Chenille Outlines


The Hoffman Digital quilt panel series “Dream Big Flowers” are all the rage right now.  If you’re on Instagram or Facebook, look for #DreamBigPanel to get tons of inspiration in machine quilting and what to make with them.

I used the ‘Prism’ colorway for this demonstration.  There are lots of different colorways, each one prettier than the last one!

Previously I had quilted and bound this quilt, but we decided it needed updating with chenille outlines. Wow! I’m so excited how well this came out!

Here’s how I made this happen:

  • I chose colors of Chenille-It that worked well as outlines for each petal color.
  • I worked from the outside of the quilt toward the center! Why?  I wanted to cover up the ends of each petal outline.  So, once I outlined the outer petal, I could use the lines of the next inner petal to run over the previous ends.
  • chenille6
  • chenille7
    • Laying the quilt flat, I got a good look at where each petal was and placed a safety in the center of each petal so it would be easy to find at my sewing machine. I did this for only one chenille color at a time.

    First the pink petals:

  • chenille8
  • Then the orange petals:
  • chenille9
  • For the inner blue section, I used a free-motion foot because of the tight corners. It doesn’t look like much now, but wait till it blooms!chenille10
  • And another look at the finished quilt, once its been washed and dried (the transformation feels like magic!):chenille5

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